How To Maintain Your Heating System

Your heating system requires some work from time to time in order to keep it running properly and working as it should for a long time to come. To prevent a breakdown of your system, you need to be performing routine maintenance on your system to prevent issues or problems that may require costly repairs. Some maintenance you may be able to handle on your own, or you can leave the maintenance work to a professional HVAC company. Read More 

Picking An Air Conditioning System: A Homeowner’s Guide

Air conditioning system installation is a proven way to get the additional cooling your home needs to keep you comfortable during the summer season. However, choosing the right cooling system for your home can be daunting, especially if you're a first-time AC shopper. Air conditioners come in all shapes and sizes to suit different applications. Here's what to consider to find the best one for your residential cooling needs. How You Intend To Cool Your Home Read More 

The Case For Installing A High-Efficiency Furnace

The AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) rating is often one of the first things you'll see when looking at any new furnace. The AFUE provides an at-a-glance indication of a furnace's ability to convert its fuel source into heat for your home. A higher AFUE rating means a furnace is more efficient and will cost you less to run each month. In practice, furnaces tend to fall into two broad categories: standard efficiency and high efficiency. Read More 

Signs Of A Burner Malfunction In Your Gas Furnace And How A Repair Technician Fixes The Problem

If your gas furnace isn't running properly, the issue might be with the burners. It's important for the burners to be clean or the burners may not ignite properly. This can keep your furnace from starting up. Here are some signs your gas burners might be malfunctioning and how a repair technician can clean them to fix the problem. Signs Of Dirty Furnace Burners If the burners are dirty, the flame might be weak and not able to produce enough heat to keep your home warm. Read More 

Things That Cause Your Central Air Conditioner To Make Odd Noises Or Get Louder Than Usual

Your air conditioner often makes loud or unusual noises when it starts to malfunction. When you hear these noises, call an air conditioning repair company for help. Depending on what's wrong with your equipment, you might do more harm by running the AC when a part is malfunctioning. Here are possible reasons your AC is too loud or making odd noises. When The Condenser Is Noisy There might be a problem with the condenser fan if it makes loud noises when it turns on. Read More